We got up, packed our stuff in the car, and left. Then we drove to Bear Country, USA. It is this drive thru wildlife park. I thought we were going to get killed by the bears. But the bears and other animals didn’t seem to care about us. So we drove thru and we saw all sorts of animals — bears, elk, buffalo, wolves, mountain lions, and lots and lots of bears. Then we went over to where the smaller animals were and walked around and saw them. With the bigger animals we had to stay in the car with the windows closed at all times. The baby bears were pretty funny. They were wrestling each other. I also learned that a badger will take on a mountain lion or bear if it is defending himself. They are that fierce. I ended up really enjoying Bear Country, even though it worried me at first.

Then we drove to Belle Fourche, which is the geographical center of the US. We took some silly pictures at the center point. We had a picnic lunch, and then drove over to the Devils Tower National Monument. Turns out they spelled the name wrong. There was supposed to be an apostrophe, but they forgot. Then it was to late. So they were stuck with the wrong spelling. The tower is a huge rock sticking up out of the ground. We took a hike around it, so we could see all the different angles. There were several people that were heading up to climb the tower, but we didn’t stay long enough to see them climb it. After our hike we got another junior ranger badge. Then we left and drove to Gillette for the night.