We drove out of Idaho Falls, and stopped at a nuclear power plant for a tour. I was worried that I was going to be radioactive, but I wasn’t. My Daddy told us all about science, radiation, and uranium. I also got to see my name on a sign. It was Atoms, which is my name. Then we drove to Craters of the Moon. A coyote crossed the road in front of us on the way there. Then we got to see lots of volcanoes there, but none of them were active. We got to see their craters from their eruptions. We got to see all the volcanic rock. We also ate a picnic lunch there. While we were making the lunch, it started lightly snowing. So our food had snow in it. We saw a lot more lava flows after lunch. We also got our junior ranger badges. Then we drove to Boise for the night. It was a long car ride, with nothing but cows to look at.